
SUPER Dx-Ball Deluxe 2009 Edition - The Ultimate Dx-Ball Experience (cheats included)

SUPER Dx-Ball Deluxe 2009 Edition - The Ultimate Dx-Ball Experience (cheats included)

Super DX-Ball Deluxe contains all 6 exciting board packs with a total of 230 boards. And there are many more free and for-sale expansion packs on the way... available only to owners of the 'Deluxe'
There's something new for everyone!

* Challenge Pack - 30 geometric boards that require tactics and skill to survive
*Surprise Pack - 30 colorful and crafty boards with many entertaining picture designs
*Fun Pack - 30 lighthearted and whimsical board designs for the kid in all of us
*Retro Pack - 75 brand new DX-Ball boards that will remind you of the glory days of 'rectangular' bricks
*Super Pack - 15 boards from the shareware version
*DX-Ball Pack - the 50 original boards from the game that started the phenominon back in 1996
*"Plus" the ability to download and play board expansion packs as they become available

This Game can also be played by using the keyboard

Download: 6.9 MB

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    # by Anonymous - February 2, 2011 at 6:50 PM

    Tkx man... I've been looking for this!! =D

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    # by Anonymous - December 27, 2011 at 1:46 PM

    Thanx for sharing. I have played this game It is very intresting game.sportsgame

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    # by Anonymous - May 29, 2013 at 4:36 PM

    how do i download it?