
Epocware Handy RSS v1.00 S60v3

Epocware Handy RSS v1.00 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 .Unsigned.Cracked-OPDA

Handy RSS allows you to read RSS items, displayed as feed headers. Run Handy RSS on your smartphone and download the latest RSS feed headers from your personal list of channels. Easily open the full article you are interested in from Handy RSS via web browser.

Don't forget to add Full N-Gage 2.0 Games RSS Feed Here is the link;
Application features:

* Mark items as read/unread
* Optional auto update at startup
* Add/edit RSS channels
* Read item list and RSS headers offline
* Keep items in the list for a certain period of time (1 week, 1 month or 3 months)
* Open web browser to read the full article
* One list of RSS items
* Import RSS channels from OPML files link for Epocware Handy RSS v1.00 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 .Unsigned.Cracked-OPDA

rar pass : huseyin

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